Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New York: Movies

What better way to get into the spirit of a wedding in New York, than to get your appetite up for it? Below we've listed a small selection of films we love that feature New York. All are available thru Netflix

New York, A Documentary Film Ric Burns's epic documentary mini-series traces New York City's beginnings from the 17th century trading outpost of New Amsterdam to the present day.

Manhattan Woody Allen's valentine to NYC. A classic.

Goodfellas Martin Scorsese's gangster masterpiece.

Three Days of the Condor Robert Redford stars as the CIA researcher who returns from lunch to find all his co-workers murdered. Double-crossed and forced to go underground, he kidnaps a young woman (Faye Dunaway) and holds her hostage as he unravels the mystery. Conspiracy films don't come any better.

Ghostbusters Who you gonna call?

Mo Better Blues Spike Lee's look at a self-centered jazz musician. Starring Denzel Washington & Wesley Snipes and featuring the music of Branford Marsalis & Terence Blanchard. Other Spike Lee NY-centric films worth seeing: Crooklyn Do The Right Thing

A Walk On The Moon A glimpse into summer life upstate in the Catskills, set around the 1969 moon landing. One of Dayna's favorites.

When Harry Met Sally Doesnt matter how many times you ve seen it: this Billy Crystal-Megan Ryan movies holds up all these years later.

Marathon Man A noirish thriller with Dustin Hoffman & Laurence Olivier. "Is it Safe?"

61* Roger Maris & Mickey Mantle chase Babe Ruth's home run record.

Pollock Ed Harris's examination of the NY action painter

Feel free to add your favorite movies set in New York inthe comments section below.

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